Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Empty Desk, Empty Mind?

In the words of Dwight Schrute, an empty desk...means an empty mind. And that's exactly what I needed to start my day today! (That, and some seriously strongly brewed Intelligentsia.)

MUCH BETTER! I have a lot on my plate right now: planning my boyfriend's birthday next weekend, freelance jobs and Etsy orders, and making LOTS of product for Unique LA (yay!). Often my Type A tendencies take over, and organizing and cleaning and (over-)planning can actually become distractions from being productive, so I'm trying to learn to properly balance these two different forms of chaos.

Today I knew I wouldn't be able to plant myself at my desk like I needed to until some papers were filed, old lists were thrown away, and, most importantly, some new & old inspiring pieces were displayed afresh. (Note the beautiful mini-painting above by the insanely talented Whitney Arrington!)

Unfortunately many of the bits and pieces from the desk-jungle ended up pinned to the corkboard above my desk...oh well. We'll call it contained chaos.

What are some ways you tune out the distractions and focus on the good stuff?

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